Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Start Recycling at Home

Recycling at home is very easy to start doing, but like any other change, you need to form the habit first. I am currently staying with my sister, who taught me how to recycle when we were kids. They live in a non-recycling community, so there is absolutely no draw to do any recycling other than your own good judgment and love for our Earth.

Step 1:
Acquire 3 Recycling Barrels

A trash barrel is not required, but since you will be throwing things into a bucket, a cheap barrel is the best option. I suggest using a small kitchen barrel that can be bought (or freecycled) for cheap. Place these barrels either outside on the porch, or in a completely opposite corner than the traditional trash barrel.

Label the barrels:

With a marker, paint, or other utensil, label the 3 barrels: Plastic, Metal, and Glass.

Acquire a compost bin

A compost bin will further reduce the waste that comes from your house, by recycling food scraps (non meat/dairy) into fresh, fertilized soil. There are many compost bins out there now, so you do not have to settle for an enormous compost heap in the backyard. Some tumbling composters are small enough for an apartment balcony

Step 4: [The MOST Important One]

You set yourself up with a nice little system, now use it. Stop anyone who goes near your traditional trash barrel, and let them know what you are doing. Within 3 times of using your new method, a habit will form, and you will be on your way to recycling the world.

Step 5:
Get rid of it

The trash men will know what to do with recycling if there is curb-side pickup where you are, but if not, the local dump has a recycling station at it. Look around. It's there.


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